If we cast our minds back to the early years of the transistor, the year that is always quoted is 1947, during which a Bell Labs team developed the first practical germanium point-contact transistor. They would go on to be granted the Nobel prize for their work in 1956, but the universal adoption of their […]
Day: June 16, 2022
GSM managed cars and truck WITHOUT needing A MICROCONTROLLERGSM managed cars and truck WITHOUT needing A MICROCONTROLLER
June 16, 2022June 16, 2022
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Nope, no microcontroller here, just a full-blown cellphone utilized as the brains of this bit robot. The trick behind exactly how it works is in the seems the phone makes. The touch tones, understood as DTMF, are monitored by the circuit mounted on the front half of the chassis as well as are accountable for […]