These days, pedometers are integrated into just about every smartwatch on the market, as well as a few of the dumber ones too. tracking step counts has ended up being a worldwide pastime, as well as at times, a competitive one. However, any type of such competition can quickly be gamed, as demonstrated by [Luc Volders].
Generally, all it takes to trick a fundamental pedometer is a gentle rhythmic jiggling movement of some sort. less expensive gadgets will even register steps with bit much more than vague shaking.
[Luc] exploited this with fundamental machinery. A servo’s output shaft is fitted with a 3D printed cylinder, sized to enable a smartwatch to be connected as if to a wrist. Then, a Raspberry Pi Pico just rocks the servo back as well as forth at routine intervals, as well as the view begins counting these ersatz steps. taking a look at the job as a whole, we’re betting [Luc] took some motivation from old-fashioned automatic view winders.
It’s difficult to visualize an essential application for this technology. However, if one is in a friendly competition with good friends who don’t scrutinize the results as well closely, this would be an simple method to win.
Alternatively, think about building a pedometer to track your hamster’s exercise regime. If you’ve got your own exercise hacks on the go, decrease us a line!