[Kees] desired a remote for an XBMC audio system. He had a traditional T65 Dutch telephone in one of his job boxes as well as believed this phone with the addition of a Raspberry Pi he might have a practical media remote with traditional lines as well as 70s styling.
Each of the digits on the phone were wired as much as a little solderless breadboard. With a handful of resistors, [Kees] set up a easy pull up/pull down circuit feeding in to his Raspi’s GPIO input.
With a short Python script, [Kees] handled to map the buttons to XMBC’s play/pause, volume up/down, next, as well as previous commands. There were a few buttons left over, so those were mapped to on the internet radio stations, playlists, as well as a unusual setting understood only as ‘moo’. We’re not sure what that button does, however you can see the other functions of this XMBC phone remote in action in the video below.