This is [Wpqrek’s] Commodore 64 customized to go on the road with him. The elderly machine has a special location in his heart as it was what he discovered to code on. He performed a series of hacks which home whatever necessary to utilize the machine inside the original case.
Obviously the hack that has the most impact when it comes to portability was swapping a screen for the little LCD mounted above the number keys. This was a quite simple process since the screen, originally meant for a rear view camera in a vehicle, already had a composite video input. To emulate the floppy disc drive he’s utilizing an SD card via an sd2iec board which he laid out himself. Rounding up the alterations is a stereo SID. The second channel utilizes the pre-amp circuit cut from a second C64. This audio hardware will let him do awesome things like playing some traditional Zeppelin.
You can get a video tour of these alterations after the break.