Here’s an fascinating hack. It’s a little pick-up truck with a Dope Cannon connected to it. Sure, it looks more like something you’d see in Syria, however this product was really seized in Mexico where it was being utilized to terminate 30 pound slugs of Marijuana over the border fence with the US. usually when you terminate artillery there isn’t somebody on the target variety trying to recuperate the projectile!
The gadget utilizes a PVC barrel to guide the pot-pellet as it’s propelled by compressed air. Hey, switch out the medications for an energy drink as well as that seems quite familiar. Our qualifying entry for the 2012 Red Bull development contest was an energy drink cannon which used the exact same configuration with a somewhat smaller caliber. It makes us question if the medication cartel utilizes bit parachutes like we did?
Doesn’t it arouse suspicion to drive something such as this around town? You’d believe they’d utilize a box truck or something similar to hide the giant gun.
[Photo Credit: AP via NY everyday News]
[via Reddit]