any type of time anybody discovers a awesome method to screen in 3D — is there an uncool way? — we’re on board. Instructables individual [Gelstronic]’s technique includes an range of spinning props to play the game snake in 3D. The helix screen consists of twelve props, exactly spaced as well as angled utilizing 3D-printed parts, […]
Author: xbdvj
Well that didn’t take long. The team over at GTVHacker have worked their magic on Chromecast. The HDMI dongle revealed by Google last week was so prominent they had to cancel their 3-free-months of Netflix perk. We believe the thing is worth $35 without it, particularly if we end up seeing some incredible hacks from […]
VR as well as BACK AGAIN: AN XROBOTS taleVR as well as BACK AGAIN: AN XROBOTS tale
Our good friend [James Bruton] from XRobots has participated in one more bit of mixed-reality magic by showing exactly how one can effortlessly step from the online world into the genuine world, as well as back again. Begone, eco-friendly screens as well as troublesome lighting! Now, a lot of of what you’re seeing is truly […]
CONDUCTIVE circuit board TATTOOS: tech TATSCONDUCTIVE circuit board TATTOOS: tech TATS
While hardcore body-hackers are starting to freak us out with embedded circuit boards under their skin, a new more realistic option is becoming available — temporary tech tattoos. They’re basically wearable circuit boards. Produced by [Chaotic Moon], the team is excited to explore the future of skin-mounted components — connected with conductive ink in the […]
RECYCLING soda bottles into FILAMENT TO print smaller soda bottlesRECYCLING soda bottles into FILAMENT TO print smaller soda bottles
Thermoplastics are great, since you can melt them down as well as reform them into whatever you like. This is ably demonstrated by [The Q] by recycling old soda bottles into usable 3D printer filament. Cute, huh? Why aren’t Coca-Cola making these? small fake grocery products already shown extremely prominent in Australia. Soda bottles are […]
HACKADAY prize ENTRY: AUTOMATED wildlife recognitionHACKADAY prize ENTRY: AUTOMATED wildlife recognition
path as well as wildlife cameras are commonly offered nowadays, however the Wild Eye project aims to go beyond just taking digital snapshots of critters. [Brenda Armour] utilizes a Raspberry Pi to not only take pictures of wildlife who roam into the camera’s field of view, however to likewise immediately determine as well as categorize the […]
Etching and populating a board is childs play compared to finding connectors which link several components. but Hackaday alum [Ian Lesnet] and his crew over at dangerous Prototypes have come up with a solution that makes us wonder why we haven’t seen this long ago? They’re prepping an any-size ribbon cable kit. So lets say […]
[Dzl] as well as his rather severe looking kid are metal detector enthusiasts. however when they couldn’t discover their store-bought metal detector earlier this summertime they just went ahead as well as developed their own. [Dzl] starts his compose up with an explanation of exactly how a lot of oscillator based metal detectors work. this […]
SOLAR oven built TO LASTSOLAR oven built TO LAST
The issue with most solar ovens is that they’re flimsy builds that will stand up to only a handful of uses. however this one stands besides that stereotype. It’s big, sturdy, as well as utilized a great deal of math to efficiently gather the sun’s energy when cooking food. This is the third version of […]
OFFSET UNICYCLE developed mainly FROM A single BICYCLEOFFSET UNICYCLE developed mainly FROM A single BICYCLE
[Lou’s] good friends all stated that it would be impossible to develop a unicycle that had balance out pedals. moving the pedals to the front of the unicycle would throw off the balance as well as avoid the individual from being able to trip it. [Lou] shown them wrong utilizing mainly elements from a single […]