music was produced by humans, however commonly we discover ourselves producing performances with machines. [Alana Balagot] as well as [Federico Tobon] did just that, building the stunning 4 Muses musical sculpture with their integrated talents.
4 Muses is made up of four private instruments, under the command of a single keyboard controller. The keyboard can be utilized to play the instruments live, or alternatively, can discover from the player or be utilized as a sequencer. It can likewise act as a simple gadget to play back music utilizing the four instruments.
The pipe instrument utilizes servo-controlled valves, which enable air from a blower fan to reach a number of wood pipes. The xylophone instead utilizes solenoids to play its 13 tines. Percussion is provided by a mechanized cajón drum, utilizing motors to actuate mallets that strike the different sections of the box. Meanwhile, hackers will be familiar with the idea of the motor-noise instrument, which drives stepper motors at different frequencies to produce tones.
Inside, a cavalcade of microcontrollers make whatever work, from Arduino Megas as well as Teensys to NRF24s sending wireless packets from the controller to the instruments. [Alana] as well as [Federico] go in-depth with their documentation, highlighting the difficulties they dealt with putting together the different instruments as well as showing exactly how the final develop came together.
Built with as well as brass hardware as well as sporting a range of exquisite wood finishes, the final result is a quartet of machines that play lovely music composed by [Alana] herself. Musical sculptures are commonly a excellent example of the artistry possible when putting electrons to work. video after the break.