After months and arguably years of rumors, Apple finally unveiled its new Apple TV this past week, debuting the new device alongside refreshed iPhones and a brand new iPad Pro. Sharing the event with such heavy hitters it would have been easy for the Apple TV to be lost in the melee, but excitement appears to be growing for the little black puck.
The reason for that is the new focus on apps, after Apple announced that the fourth generation Apple TV would include its own app Store, along with an SDK for developers to create their own apps. As soon as that was announced lots of people’s attention looked to what those apps may be, and while Apple had some developers on-stage to show off games and shopping experience, one app is a lot more highly anticipated than just about any other – Plex.
The popular media playback app, available for other set top boxes in both official and unofficial capacities, seems to be ready made for the app store on Apple TV, but would the people behind Plex be interested in making their app for the newly opened platform?
You bet they would!
In an interview, Plex’s developers said:
We are very ecstatic to have a crack at bringing our users Apple TV. It’s been a long requested platform and we’re ecstatic to work on it. We want it, our users want it…and we’re anxiously awaiting the tvOS developer beta info, so we can finally dig in.
Of course we have started digging in and checking out it, but we have some bigger questions to answer before we can set any expectations.
Perhaps predictably at this early stage, there is no timescale for when Plex will be available on the Apple TV and, in fact, the hardware itself won’t be shipping for a few weeks yet anyway. If Plex does undoubtedly get built for the Apple TV and importantly, it finds its way through Apple’s app store testing, the hugely capable media playback app could be one of the greatest hits of the new device’s app Store.
We know we’d be using it. A lot.
(source: ITworld)
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